Resurrecting Tradition: The Renaissance of Samurai Aloha Shirts

Joel Fukuzawa
3 min readJul 13, 2024

The Origins: From Japan to Hawaii

At the turn of the 20th century, Japanese immigrants arrived in Hawaii to work in sugarcane fields and factories. Among them, a type of open-collar shirt gained popularity due to its resemblance to Japanese cotton textiles and suitability for Hawaii’s warm climate. These immigrants, often facing financial hardship, began repurposing their traditional kimonos into what would become known as the Aloha shirt. This innovative adaptation not only met the practical needs of the Japanese immigrants but also found favor with the local population, laying the foundation for what would become a cultural icon.

The Birth of Aloha Shirts

In 1935, the Musashiya Shoten clothing store in Honolulu advertised these modified kimonos as “Aloha shirts,” marking the first commercial use of the term. Fast forward to the 21st century, and Aloha shirts have reconnected with their Japanese roots through the innovative work of a company named “Samurai Aloha.” Founded by Tetsuya Sakurai in 2018 in Sendai, this company specializes in transforming traditional kimonos into unique Aloha shirts.

A New Beginning: The Story of Tetsuya Sakurai



Joel Fukuzawa

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