Breaking Sushi Norms: The Unconventional Journey of a Sushi Entrepreneur

Joel Fukuzawa
3 min readJan 8, 2024

Challenging Traditional Sushi Apprenticeship

The sushi chef world traditionally adheres to a rigorous training regimen, with sayings like “3 years to cook rice, 8 years to make sushi” encapsulating the over-a-decade learning curve required to become a sushi master. However, Kazuhiro Kakita, owner of “Yurakucho Kakida,” defies this norm. Originally a president of a career-change company with zero experience in sushi-making, Kakita boldly embarked on his sushi journey, starting directly as a ‘Taisho’ (master chef) and now operates a bustling 140-seat establishment.

From Humble Beginnings to a Bustling Hotspot

Kakita’s “Yurakucho Kakida” began in July 2022 as a modest 8-seat eatery in Tokyo’s Yurakucho, later moving to the 19th floor of Shinjuku’s Odakyu Hotel “Southern Tower” in September 2023. The restaurant, maintaining the elegance of a high-end sushi establishment, features chefs preparing sushi directly at the bar for patrons.

A Passion for Seafood Transforms into a Business

Kakita’s profound interest in fishing, often turning his catch into delectable seafood bowls for employees and guests, laid the foundation for his venture…



Joel Fukuzawa

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