Boosting Manga Exports: Japan’s AI-Powered Translation Initiative

Joel Fukuzawa
4 min readJun 21, 2024

A Collaborative Effort to Enhance Manga Export

In a bold move to triple the export volume of Japanese manga over the next five years, the Japanese government and private companies are investing heavily in AI translation technology. This ambitious initiative involves ten companies, including Shogakukan and the Japan Industrial Innovation Corporation (JIC), which have collectively invested 2.92 billion yen into a startup named Orange. The goal is to significantly enhance the translation speed of manga, thereby promoting the growth of Japan’s content industry.

From Technical Nationalism to Soft Power Nationalism

Post-World War II Japan saw the evolution of its national identity from “technical nationalism,” which emphasized the nation’s technological prowess, to “soft power nationalism,” which highlights the cultural uniqueness of Japan’s technological capabilities. This shift underscores Japan’s belief that its global market success is rooted in its unique cultural traits. However, this focus often overlooks Japan’s changing international political status and the influence of other countries’ designs on its technology.

The “Cool Japan” Policy and Its Impact



Joel Fukuzawa

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